El referee no detiene la pelea y ya tirado una vez más Konnan zarandea al menos unas cinco veces del cuerpo y le mueve la cabeza al líder de los Perros del Mal. Sin su máscara, el luchador mexico-americano Rey Misterio Jr. asistió a los funerales de Pedro Aguayo, el "Hijo del Perro Aguayo", llevados a cabo en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco. Considering he owns over 200 of them – not to mention a whole closet full of wrestling wardrobe – the move felt as natural as lacing his boots. Fittingly, Mysterio’s lowpoint in WWE also occurred during the Royal Rumble. Welcome everyone to your exclusive coverage of AEW Dynamite on ProWrestling.com! He had much ahead of him.”. You think you have it in you to work?’ I said, ‘Of course I do.’ That’s definitely a match that I will cherish as long as I live here in this world. I couldn’t protect myself because I had signed my name on their contract, so I was screwed. Watch Queue Queue His death was reportedly caused by cervical spine trauma due to a blow to the head after an apparent kick by Mysterio to set up his 619 move. I can take you.’ I lived through that for the first two or three years in WCW, but as my performance became bigger and bigger every time being on the stage, I earned the respect of the fans, as well as the locker room. His death was reportedly caused by cervical spine trauma due to a blow to the head after an apparent kick by Mysterio to set up his 619 move. On my first night, I could hear whispering in the locker room from the older guys asking, ‘Who is this kid?’ I’ve always had kind of a babyface look underneath the mask, so for the guys who’d never saw me perform and had only seen me backstage lacing up my boots getting ready for my first show, they had no clue what I was doing in the locker room.”. “I spent most of my childhood with him. …, Welcome everyone to the newest episode of STF Underground! Now, I have control of my life and my career. “Konnan was the first one to enter, and then he brought Psicosis and myself there, too,” said Mysterio. I wasn’t getting any younger, and my kids weren’t getting any younger. “In ECW, there was no size differential there. Eight years after winning the match, he entered as the thirtieth and final wrestler in 2014, a spot where the WWE Universe hoped to see Daniel Bryan. I never had the time to participate in my kids’ lives or be around my wife. It’s because of them. Ryno Wrestling Review Episode 123: Indy Superstar Camaro Jackson Joins The Show! ⬇️ See our experts' predictions. After I actually saw the pay per view with my own eyes on TV, I realized what was going on. Al lado de Misterio Jr. ingresaron a la capilla del Parque Funeral Colonias los exluchadores Konnan, Latin Lover además del Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Rayman, América Salvaje y Maligno. “So not only to wear the mask but to carry the name that my uncle made, and continue on with the legacy, means a lot. The other wrestlers then began to improvise as the referee began to check on Aguayo, who was not moving. En el apartado de sanciones del reglamento, por la falta de servicios médicos adecuados es acreedor “a una multa entre 1 y 100 salarios mínimos (de Tijuana) ”, es decir máximo 7,050 pesos, además de también ser objeto de la “suspensión”. “We are both blessed and cursed in wrestling,” said Mysterio. “There was one time I wrestled Eddie Guerrero in a ladder match for the custody of my son,” said Mysterio, referring to a memorable 2005 feud just months before Guerrero’s death at only 38 years old. Then he eventually apologized, and said it was such a beautiful feeling to be in the ring with me. Aguayo is said to have struck his head on the ropes badly while he was going down to get into position to take the move. Current Pro Wrestling Noah GHC Tag Team champion and former WWE Superstar Lance Hoyt also tweeted a message in support of his fallen peer: El Hijo del Perro Aguayo.