Philippe meurt en septembre 1506 à Burgos. He was named administrator of the kingdom by the Cortes of Castile in 1510, and entrusted the government mainly to Archbishop Cisneros. In an attempt to legitimise their rebellion, the Comuneros turned to Joanna. Ce mariage de convenance se transforma en mariage d'amour pour Jeanne qui refusa pendant longtemps d'autoriser l'enterrement du corps de son époux, ou même de se séparer de sa dépouille[réf. Bergenroth, G A, Introduction. On peut citer également l'opéra Juana la Loca, écrit en 1979 par le compositeur américain Gian Carlo Menotti pour la soprano Beverly Sills, et créé par elle à l'Opéra de San Diego. As a young woman, Joanna was known to be highly intelligent. On 4 November, he and his sister Eleanor met their mother Joanna at Tordesillas – there they secured from her the necessary authorisation to allow Charles to rule as her co-King of Castile and León and of Aragon. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone. However, only Charles, Isabella, and Ferdinand have descendants today. Traditional historians rely on man's written & drawn records to interpret past progress & myths. In October 1517, seventeen-year-old Charles I arrived in Asturias at the Bay of Biscay. Archduchess Anna of Austria (7 Jul 1528 - 16 Oct 1590) - She was the daughter of Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor and Anna of Bohemia and Hungary. [18]:9, The narrative of her purported mental illness is perpetuated in stories of the mental illness of her maternal grandmother, Isabella of Portugal, Queen of Castile, in widowhood exiled by her stepson to the castle of Arévalo in Ávila, Castile. "[10]:315 In response, Ferdinand embarked upon a pro-French policy, marrying Germaine de Foix, niece of Louis XII of France (and his own great-niece), in the hope that she would produce a son to inherit Aragon and perhaps Castile.[14]:138[11]. El Infante Fernando, último hijo varón de Juana la Loca, creció sin los cuidados de su madre, trastornada por la inesperada muerte de su esposo, Felipe el Hermoso. En 2015, Jeanne la Folle est interprétée par Laia Marull dans la série Carlos Rey emperador[5]. Between 1498 and 1507, she gave birth to six children, two boys and four girls, all of whom grew up to be either emperors or queens. L'infante Catherine est élevée à Tordesillas qu'elle quitte pour se marier. A regency council under Archbishop Cisneros was set up, against the queen's orders, but it was unable to manage the growing public disorder; plague and famine devastated the kingdom with supposedly half the population perishing of one or the other. to vols 1 and 2. Jeanne d'Aragon et Philippe d'Autriche partagent au moins un ancêtre commun, Jean de Gand. Issue de la dynastie de Trastamare, Jeanne est la troisième enfant des Rois catholiques, Ferdinand II d'Aragon (1452-1516) et Isabelle de Castille (1451-1504), et la mère de Charles Quint. Philip and Ferdinand then signed a second treaty secretly, agreeing that Joanna's "infirmities and sufferings" made her incapable of ruling and promising to exclude her from government and deprive the Queen of crown and freedom. Ce n'est qu'à partir de son mariage avec Philippe le Beau qu'apparaissent les premières allusions à un déséquilibre mental. On peut citer aussi le poème d'Evane Luna Jeanne la folle dans le recueil Folles sanguines, aux éditions Granit, publié en 2017. He had hoped that his younger grandson and namesake, Ferdinand I, who was Charles I's brother and had been born and raised in Castile, would succeed him. Indeed, letters of Mosen Luis Ferrer, gentleman of the bed chamber of Ferdinand, refer to the coercive punishment known as "La cuerda" ("the rope") which Joanna was subjected to. Charles wrote to her caretakers: "It seems to me that the best and most suitable thing for you to do is to make sure that no person speaks with Her Majesty, for no good could come from it".[17]. Elle ne montre aucun goût pour les affaires d'État, ce qui est assimilé à de graves troubles de volonté incitant dès 1501 sa mère Isabelle à présenter aux Cortès son testament, instituant Ferdinand comme régent du royaume de Castille dans le cas où Jeanne ne pourrait pas assumer le trône. Ferdinand resented that upon his death, Castile and Aragon would effectively pass to his foreign-born-and-raised grandson Charles I, to whom he had transferred his hatred of Philip I. Nonetheless, she was thereafter queen in name only, and all documents, though issued in her name, were signed with Ferdinand's signature, "I the King". Lorsqu'elle se rend à Burgos pour y être couronnée, elle est plongée dans les conflits arago-castillans qui la dépassent, car elle n'a pas reçu l'éducation politique appropriée, ce qui explique ses hésitations et son impuissance face à son père Ferdinand II et à son mari Philippe de Hasbourg qui la dominent. La folie[3] de Jeanne a suscité la curiosité des historiens, puis des romanciers et des cinéastes. [3], Her academic education consisted of canon and civil law, genealogy and heraldry, grammar, history, languages, mathematics, philosophy, reading, spelling and writing. Ferdinand II d'Aragon considère cette demande comme un danger pour la régence qu'il exerce après avoir obtenu sous la contrainte le consentement des Cortès. 1571 Anne of Austria, Alonso Sanchez Coello, Kunsthistorisches Museum. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Her older daughter, Eleanor of Austria, had created a semblance of a household within the palace rooms. [11] Also in 1502, the Aragonese Cortes gathered in Zaragoza to swear an oath to Joanna as heiress; however, the Archbishop of Zaragoza expressed firmly that this oath could only establish jurisprudence by way of a formal agreement on the succession between the Cortes and the king.[12]:137[10]:299. Later generations are included although Austrian titles of nobility were abolished and outlawed in 1919. The general opinion publicly declared was that his father-in-law Ferdinand II, who had always disliked his foreign Habsburg origins and with whom he never wanted to share power, had had him poisoned by "bocado". Nieto de los Reyes Católicos y de Maximiliano I de Habsburgo, Fernando nació y se educó n España, algo que jamás olvidó. On 12 July,[9]:69–91 they swore allegiance to Philip I and Joanna together as King and Queen of Castile and León and to their son Charles, later Charles I of Castile, Leon and Aragon and Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, as their heir-apparent. His arrival coincided with a remission of the plague and famine, a development which quieted the instability and left an impression that his return had restored the health of the kingdom.[14]:139[11]. Aram, Bethany, "Juana ‘the Mad's’ Signature: The Problem of Invoking Royal Authority, 1505–1507". [4] Among the authors of classical literature she read were the Christian poets Juvencus and Prudentius, Church fathers Saint Ambrose, Saint Augustine, Saint Gregory, and Saint Jerome, and the Roman statesman Seneca.[4]. [citation needed]. "Juana la Loca" redirects here. Bergenroth, G A. Although she was sympathetic to the Comuneros, she was persuaded by Ochoa de Landa and her confessor Fray John of Avila that supporting the revolt would irreparably damage the country and her son's kingship, and she therefore refused to sign a document granting her support. She was skilled at dancing and music, having played the clavichord, the guitar, and the monochord. Jeanne Ire de Castille, dite Jeanne la Folle (Juana la Loca) (6 novembre 1479 - 12 avril 1555), est reine de Castille (15041555) et d'Aragon (15161555), unissant sous un même sceptre la Couronne de Castille et la Couronne d'Aragon à partir du 25 janvier 1516. Jeanne est surtout présentée comme victime de la raison d'État. nécessaire]. Modern Spain evolved from the union of these two kingdoms. La jeune femme s'avère totalement subjuguée par la beauté de son époux, amoureuse au point d'oublier ses propres responsabilités.